The CCSS 8 mathematical practices
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As I spend time examining the Common Core State Standards for math, I am struck by how powerful the mathematics is in there. What concerns me the most is that the CCSS was written by mathematicians who have a fantastic handle on what mathematicians need to know, but I think the documents lack a bit of down-to-earth verbiage for teachers and students. When I read the 8 mathematical practices, I was impressed at how the practices discussed the habits of mind that it takes to be a mathematician. The more I read it, though, the more I realized how difficult it would be in its current state to use in the K-8 classroom. For the past two years, I have used the 8 practices in my classroom (grades 6-8) to not only drive my instruction, but to guide the methods that I use to help students become mathematicians. I also have a version of the practices for the lower grade levels (K-3). Over the course of two years, I feel that I created a student-friendly version of the practices and engaging lessons to help students use them every day in the classroom. I have a narrated power-point to explain my lessons and there are documents to use in the classroom at my website