Essential Question for students (objective): How can we use grouping strategies (addition, multiplication, division) to compose/decompose a number?
Supplies: video (length 1:41), note-maker
CCSS: 3.OA.3, 3.OA.8, 3.OA.9 Make Sense of Problems, Reason quantitatively TEKS: 3.4K, 3.5A,3.5B Use a problem-solving model
Instructional Format: Video, student problem-solving, group or individual work
Lesson Description: There are many ways to use this video in your math class. I filmed it with the express purpose of having students compose and decompose a number to look for its factors using multiple strategies like using manipulatives and charts and then look at the multiplication and division facts that relate to it. I also intended for students to work on a multi-step problem and not get lost in all of the details.
1) You can show this video (1:41) at the beginning of a unit multiplication or division that will keep the students interested in learning about the importance of understanding factors. You can have them work on the problem at the end of daily lessons (or once a week) armed with new knowledge that they are exploring in class. Students use the note-maker to help record their problem-solving work. Or you could revisit the video at the end of the unit as a formative check to see what the students have learned about multiplication or division and whether they can apply that knowledge.
2) You could show this video as a warm-up activity after the students have learned some basic multiplication or division strategies. It is a great way to show context to multi-step problems.
Extensions: If a deck chair costs $250 each, how much would it cost to have 24 chairs poolside? Is there an arrangement of chairs that is the most appealing when it is time to decorate?