Math Tourist: Water over the Falls

Essential Questions for students (objectives):  How can you use multiplication to solve problems?
Supplies:   video (length 0:51), note-maker
CCSS:  4.NBT.5, 4.OA.3, MP #8 TEKS: 4.4H, 5.3 A,B, Problem-solving & Applying Mathematics 
Time needed: 20-30 minutes 
Instructional Format: Video, student problem-solving, group work
Vocabulary for a Word Wall: ton

Lesson Description: There are many ways to use this video in your math class.  First of all, I did film it for a 4th grade class, but you can use it any time that you are working with applications of multiplication.   The purpose of this lesson is for students to use analyzing and extending patterns in a real-world setting and persevere in problem-solving.  These large numbers used in multiplication problems can encourage students to use powers of 10 and base-ten strategies.

1)  You can show this video (0:51) at the beginning of a unit on multiplication and patterns as a hook that will keep the students interested in learning about the process.  I would pause the video during the question phase for students to add to their note-maker or discuss possible ways to solve.  Or you could revisit the video at the end of the unit as a formative check.

2)  You can use this video to introduce solving problems involving multiplication. 

Extensions:  75,750 gallons of water flows over American and Bridal Veil Falls every second, while 681,750 gallons of water flows over Horseshoe Falls.  How much more water flows over Horseshoe Falls in one second?  How much less flows over American and Bridal Veil Falls in 60 seconds?


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