Creativity Lesson: Failure Provides Opportunity

Suggested Books (paid link)

*This lesson coincides with section 9, to err is wrong, from A Whack on the Side of the Head by Roger von Oech.

Lesson written by Silia Maguire

Grade level range:   2-8

Length of time to teach lesson: 45 minutes +

Objectives (Learning targets) of this lesson:  Students will learn that failure has it benefits.

Resources/supplies/handouts needed to teach this lesson:  Pictures of famous people from history, worksheet quiz about famous mistakes, pictures of famous disasters, famous events that lead to important discoveries or inventions. 

Step-by-step teaching instructions for the activity/lesson

1)  Show videos and or pictures of famous people who faced major failures and setbacks in their lives, but went on to be famous or discover success because of failure.
2)  Have students complete a quiz of famous mistakes that led to important and interesting discoveries or inventions.  Discuss if their perception about the famous people and famous mistakes changed.
3)  Discuss what historical events or discoveries may have been mistakes or disasters that have led to an unintended success.  Use the examples from the book (Titanic- creation of the Oceanic Patrol that warns about icebergs, Exxon Valdez, 9/11- led to engineers and to use create stronger building materials).
4)  Students can research examples where historical failures actually led to an important discovery and or success that helped better life. 
5)  Closure:  Students will present their findings in a format which allows them to be the teacher and the student.  They will present their information in 5 minute desktop teaching intervals.

Assessment: Students rate use the group and individual rubrics to assess themselves as a group and as a group member.































Book Cover

Help Wanted on
Mont Vernon
This book combines history
and mathematics with
adorable characters to teach
kids about the many talents
of the first U.S. President.

Book Cover

The UnderAchievers:
Woven into a fun story, this
book provides excellent
math lessons for kids.  

Writing Across the Curriculum:
The NumberFix Project


Book Cover

 Wacky We-Search Reports:
A popular book on writing
across the curriculum.